Popular Myths About Masturbation That We Need to Debunk


Masturbation is a natural aspect of human physiology. Still, society has created several bizarre myths that make us feel guilty when we masturbate. Let’s face it, has anyone ever imagined losing their eyesight or having hair on their hands? These two misconceptions about masturbation are perhaps the worst. And the idea that masturbation causes infertility, do you think it is accurate or a myth? Should you take Delta 8 THC to improve your sex drive? In this post, we will find out the answer. Below you will discover some of the most common myths, such as whether there is such a thing as too much and how it can harm your health and your love relationships.

Masturbation Is Bad for Your Health

cucumberIn the 19th century, some experts claimed that masturbation weakened a person’s vitality and caused physical and mental illness. Among the best known were Sylvester Graham of the Graham Cracker family, and John Harvey Kellogg, of the Cornflakes family. However, the idea was widespread and is as absurd as the claim that eating bland cereals and cookies can reduce cravings.

Both general health and gym performance are not affected by masturbation. In light of these statistics, it would be absurd to think that 90% of us perform a routine bodily function and that it is somehow harmful to us.

Masturbating Only Leads to Infertility

I will be blunt because this is a highly uncomfortable concern. So do you think it’s true? Definitely not. Not at all. According to Dr. Sekhon, masturbation is not on the list of possible causes of infertility. Masturbation does not harm the reproductive system or alter the hormone function of the ovaries. It does not affect ovulation or the regularity of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore, it has no effect on fertility. In fact, several studies suggest that masturbation may increase fertility because the sex hormones of those who masturbate are often at their highest potential.

Masturbation in a Relationship Should Be Avoided

It is not necessary to stop having sex alone just because you have sex with a partner. People in relationships often masturbate alone, which can be a valuable strategy for managing conflicting sexual desires. According to one study, married women who experience orgasm during masturbation have more satisfying sex lives than those who do not. It is unclear whether this means that masturbation increases the likelihood of having a satisfying sex life. Although some have tried to distort these results, it is clear that the two can peacefully coexist.

However, remember that if excessive masturbation deprives you of the energy you need for your partner, social activities, or work, you probably need to take a step back and review your behavior. Masturbation is not addictive, but it can become a destructive and compulsive activity for some people. Since only you can determine whether something requires professional help, you should see for yourself. In general, masturbation is an accepted and beneficial aspect of human sexuality. We believe that intimate relationships are better with a spouse. I propose to abandon this notion altogether. Sexual activity is the same for everyone. Anything that involves sex is acceptable, whether it is hand sex, oral sex, intercourse, or sex with oneself.

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